Sunday, July 22, 2012

Katy's Post - Gettin' Wet At Camp

Hi Everyone!

It's another dry (but not sunny) day here in Barretstown.  I had a fabulous morning!  I was asked to help with another group this morning because they were going to horse barn and needed some extra helpers. It was fun because I got to meet and talk with another group of campers. The boys were from Greece and Italy and the girls were from England.  While at horses, I helped to lead the horses on the trail ride.  The first horse I took out was named Thor, and he was HUGE, all black, with big, long haired feet. The boy that was riding the horse was named Mano. Thor was a great horse, kept a good pace, and allowed me to lead him. But.... on the way back, he decided to stop for a snack, which he isn't suppose to do. So, we had a little bit of a struggle, but got back on track once all the danelions were eaten!  The second horse I took out was Sarge and Giovonni rode him.  Sarge was a lovely chestnut brown horse, with large loving eyes. We had a wonderful walk - no snacks for Sarge!

After all the rides were complete, the campers got a special surprise because they had done such a great job during Horses!  They got to choose 2 Cara's for this "special surprise". For some reason, I was one of the ones chosen! I saw down waiting for the "special surprise" which turned out to be....having a huge water balloon dumped on my head! AHHHHHHH. I was soaking wet!  Ottavia (the other cara that was chosen) got even more wet than I did!  All the campers (and the other caras) had a good laugh.

Tonight is the Disco, which is basically a big dance party. The boys and girls get all dressed up and we go to the castle which is decorated  to do lots of singing and dancing.  There are also limos that come to pick us up in our cabins and bring us to the red carpet in front of the castle. We get our pictures taken and hopefully have a lot of fun.

Tomorrow is my day off, and I will be going into Dublin with some of my new cara friends!   I will try to post some of the pictures of Barretstown.


Beautiful green grass is everywhere!!
Math Challenge - During the limo ride tonight, there will be 11 campers and 4 caras in the car. How many people all together?  How many ears will there be?  How many fingers will there be?

PS.  Due to the rules at camp, I am unable to post pictures of children online. I wish I could because you could see how much fun they are having!  Trust me, it's the time of our lives!  : )

1 comment:

Kathy Noel said...

Hi Katy! Your mom told me to check out your blog! You seem like you are having a great time and I love reading about all your adventures! Can't wait to read the next one. Kathy Noel :-)